LH surge and no ovulation?
5 Replies
Is this possible?
I have been measuring BBT for the last 7 months. My temp is ALWAYS elevated for the last 15 days of every cycle.
I had an LH surge on cd 16, and am now on cd 21. My temp has NOT gone up and I'm worried sick about it since it usually goes up on cd 17 or 18.
Could I have surged and not ovulated?
Neither basal temperatures nor the "ovulation predictor kits" assure ovulation. It is possible to go through all the hormonal changes of ovulation without releasing the egg - ovulating. For more information, I invite you to read our web page, <www.texasfertility.com>. Good luck.
Is there any conclusive test to determine if an egg has been released?
From a testing perspective, the only way to document ovulation is to see a pre-ovulatory size follicle on an ovary, using ultrasound, and see it disappear about 48 hours later. Of cource the original proof of ovulation was pregnancy. No hormone studies will assure ovulation. Good luck.
I did some research and found a website that says a P4 test 7 dpo of >15 ng/ml indicates ovulation. Is this not a reliable test?
No, it merely means you are producing progesterone. The progesterone production may come from a luuteal cyst. It did not rupture to release the egg.