LH Surge
1 Replies
WI102 - June 22


Usually I begin testing for my LH surge on day 11, even though it usually does not occur until around day 14. However, during some cycles, even though I always test at the same time of day, I've noticed that my surge line is as dark, or slightly darker than the reference line (a positive result according to test directions) beginning at day 11, and continuing until around day 14 at which time the surge line dramatically increases in intensity. Is it a problem if my LH level is too high too early in my cycle? I've already had a battery of fertility tests to detect any hormonal abormalities and nothing was found to be abnormal.

Thank you for you time.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - June 22

The hormone LH is excreted in the urine. The process of excretion is not instantaneous, but takes place over a period of time. If your urine volume is greater for the amount of LH in the specimen, the line will be darker. If it is less, the line will be darker. In on way is the tes quantitative for urine, and certainly not for blood. You are not determining blood level with your urine test.



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