IVF# 2 always with low grade embryo...why?
3 Replies
mhaiyarn - April 6

Dear Doctor

Hello Im 32 y/0 and my hubby is 36y/o. We have been trying to concieve for 7 yrs...tried the IUI and had negative result. We decided to jump to IVF since my husbands Semen analysisis low. low in count and motility.
so we did IVF #1 and i was on BCP Lupron, gonal-F, Menopur. had goodamount of follicles, retrieved 8 eggs, and 6 were fertilized.after 3 days my embryo were graded all 3. I had two 8 cellsand some 6cells. so in short that cycle was unsuccessfull.

Now on my 2nd IVF, i am placed on antagonist protocol, and i had more eggsthan the first. but the end result is still mostly Grade 3 embryos!!! and one grade 2.

My questionis why am i always produsing low quality eggs??? my RE said that its who i am and i cannot do anything to improve the quality of my eggs...is that true? everything is perfect..my uterine lining is textbook pefect shesaid...except for my embryos....

Can i improve it? what should i do?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - April 6

I do not know if it is an egg problem or a lab problem. Also, the stimulation protocol can effect egg quality. There are a number of variations on the same theme for ovarian stimulation to do IVF. Another protocol may provide better results.
Good luck.


mhaiyarn - April 6

thank you dr. Jacobs for the quick reply. Can you suggest what protocol it is that would improve my egg quality? the protocol that my institution is using are as follows: Long protocol, Antagonist protocol, Flare protocol. I am trying to learn as much as i can coz if this cycle doesnt work for me, i will only have one last chance per my insurance after this.



B. Jacobs, M. D. - April 6

We find we get better quality eggs and embryos if we do not add LH that is in Menapur.
Good luck.



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