1 Replies
allegond - September 18

Hello Dr Jacobs,
I have hyperprolactemia and I am on 5mg of Bromocryptine once a day. I have had a laproscopy a couple of months ago and I have normal ovaries and fallopian tubes. The only finding was my abnormal endometrium lining, from the D&C histology, I am told this is a result of my abnormal hormal levels with prolactin. My prolactin levels are within normal range now with bromocryptine.
My husband has normal sperm counts and we have not been able to conceive naturally despite 4 years of trying. We will be undergoing fertility treatment shortly, IUI.
My question; How successful have you found in your experience women with hyperprolactemia and abnormal endometrium lining to become pregnant? The clinic we will be having treatment at prefer natural IUI for the first choice procedure.
Thank you for your time.


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - September 19

I thonk the best way to answer your questions is to refer you to our wrb page, <www.texasfertility.com>. Good luck.



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