hpt after IVF
1 Replies
Windy - September 26

Thank you for taking the time to read my question....
I had a 2 day frozen transfer on 9/18. This is frozen transfer number 2 for me. Fiist one failed and I was unable to do a fresh transfer due to severe OHSS. I did a hpt yesterday(9/25) and after it sitting for 1/2 hour there was a faint pos line. I am feeling no pregnancy symptoms. I don't want to get my hopes up, but is it possible for hpt to detect preg this early? And does a faint pos after sitting really mean pos or is it just cause it sat for 1/2 hour?
One more question, I was told originally I was an excellent candidate for IVF, I've had 3 children previously and had a tubal ligation, and I'm remarried and dh has excellent sperm quality. My RE didn't change anything this cycle except recommend 3 to be transfered. I refused, due to the fact that if 3 became viable preg, I would not be able to cope. I asked for 2 excellent quality embryos to be transfered. I'm not sure on the quality they transferred d/t they don't mention it. When should I start looking for another RE???? I hate to jumb ship too early, and he's had excellent raves on this site from others.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - September 26

If you are not comfortable with any physician providing your care, it is time to seek someone new. As far as the home pregnancy test, they are fairly sensitive, but it may have been a bit early.
Good luck.



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