how long to wait after m/c
2 Replies
Jen911 - November 17

Dr. Jacobs,

I am sorry to repost this question, but I added an addendum and I am wondering if perhaps you missed the post because of that. My appologies if you simply havent caught up with all the messages.

I recently had a D&C for a miscarriage at 7-8 weeks after an FET. How long do you generally recommend waiting before TTC via an IUI or IVF cycle? I have read anywhere from one normal cycle to three... Does infertility impact the on the waiting period (should we wait more or less time?) Also how long does it take for HCG to return to zero... I beleive my level was only 4000 around the time of the D&C. Thank you.


Jen911 - November 22

Bump up for answer


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - November 23

The half life of hCG in circulation is about 36 hours. That is to say, in 36 hours about half will be gone. In the next 36 hours, thalf the remaining will be gone, and so on. In my practice, once the hCG becomes negative, I have my patients take birth control pills for 1 pack, then start preparing the endometrium.
Good luck.



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