Grainy eggs
4 Replies
deb186 - June 21

Sorry, but I can't seem to start a normal thread, only a Poll. This isn't a poll, just a general question to the resident Dr.

I have just had a failed IVF/PGD cycle. I just turned 40 this week and in my last cycle which was just May of this year, my RE described my eggs as been 'grainy'.

I asked him to elaborate on this and explain in terms that I understood but he just said that sometimes the embryologist comes back from the lab saying that the eggs were grainy.

Well that means nothing to me. Are my 'grainy' eggs a results of my age? Is there anything I can do to improve the quality of my eggs. I am currently taking both Omega 3 and Vitamin E supplements.

Please help, I'm cycling again in September and if there is anything I can do to improve the quality of my eggs before then I will do it. Whatever it takes.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - June 21

I have no way of knowing the nature of the problem, but there is apparently an issue with the cytoplasm of the egg. It may not have matured in sync with the egg nucleus. We have noticed spmething similar in patients who had very rapid rise of estrogen or very high estrogen levels.
Good luck.


deb186 - June 21

Thank you for your prompt reply.

My E2 levels were never that high the whole of the cycle. The highest they ever got was 1354 and that was 2 days before trigger.

I took a long while to initially react to the meds. I was 3 days behind schedule in the end. I was on 450iu Gonal F and 150 Menopur for the last 6 days of stims. I stimmed for a total of 12 days.

I ended up getting 18 eggs, 17 of those were mature and 13 fertilised. Only 9 made it to PGD.

Can you explain more about what causes the eggs to become grainy. Will it be a future problem or can it be rectified.

Could my low E2 levels have contributed to this. Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to see if I can make things any different for my next attempt.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - June 21

I do not know why you had "grainy"eggs. I do know that I get better quality eggs if I do not use any LH in the stimulation. Menopur is half FSH and half LH.
Good luck.


deb186 - June 21

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your views on the matter.



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