Follicle Stimulation
3 Replies
SMS1129 - August 16

Dr. Jacobs,

I am not sure if this question is for you or Dr. Smith.

I am on my 2nd IVF cycle (CD 8) and I have about 4 follicles that are 11-12 mm's and about 20 more <10 mm's. I am unsure as to whether this is a good response or not. Last cycle, I was overstimulating and on CD 9, they reduced my Gonal-F to 150 from 300. I ended up with 8 eggs, 6 fertilized, 3 transferred and a miscarriage at my 5th week.

I am currently on 225 IU of the Gonal-F. Can you tell if this is a good response or not for the CD I am on? I am worried about not getting enough eggs, but I know the doctor is trying to get slower growth & better quality.



SMS1129 - August 16

Not sure why the smiley face showed up after my CD, but I am on cycle day eight.



Barry Jacobs, M. D. - August 16

You sound like you are off to a good start, but it is possible that the tiny follicles may lead to an over stimulation. Your RE may want to decrease your doseage.
Good luck.


SMS1129 - August 17

Thanks, Dr. Jacobs. I go back for an u/s on Thursday. For now, they are keeping the dosage the same. I think my RE wants to get more eggs to grow, about 10 in total. I know it is a careful balance for someone with so many follicles. I also used Ovidrel last cycle and that didn't seem to work for me. Only half of the eggs released. This cycle they gave me full strength hcg (IM shot) to do.

Thanks again.




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