first cycle w/ IUI
1 Replies
niki6454 - December 22

Doctor, I will begin my first cycle w/ stims in January. I will take Provera for 10 days to aim my cd1 to be on or about Monday Jan. 9th. My question is, what should I expect. When would my baseline u/s take place? (day 1 or 3 etc.) How often would should I expect to have u/s and blood work done. What day would I expect to have mature follicles, and when would the insemination take place following the HCG shot. My questions are because my RE clinic is 3.5 hours away. Should I plan to be stay close to the clinic or will the monitoring be intermitten enough to justify the travel to and from?

thank you.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - December 22

Yur questions are best directed to your RE. Typically I see my ovulation induction cycle days 3,6,8,10, and sometimes 11 &/or 12. INsemination is usually day 11 to 14. Given the frequency you will probably be seen, you may wish to get a room near the clinic you are using.
Good luck.



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