Elevated FSH
1 Replies
Laura2 - June 12

Hi Dr. Jacobs,

First I want to thank you. You did my transfer on my first IVF and it was a success - so a big thanks to you!

I just had my day 3 labs done and my FSH is 15 and my E2 is 39. My u/s showed a large follicle on my left ovary and only 5 antral follicles.
Do you think I should continue with this cycle with these results? I am scheduled to be on 300 units of Gonal F two times a day as well as 75 units of Menapur once a day. Am I pushing my body too hard with all of these meds or should I wait until my fsh drops (if I am so lucky)? I just started bcp's and will be on them for 21 days before I start stims. I am 38 years old.

I really appreciate your opinion.




B. Jacobs, M. D. - June 12


Your FSH is high enough that it implies you may have poor ovarian reserve. It may be worth a try to stimulate your ovaries. You don't know until you try. You may need donor egg. I am only sorry I cannt be working with you, again.
Good luck.



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