Donor Embryos
1 Replies
Tanya1231 - June 8

After MUCH consideration, my husband and myself have decided to use donor embryos. There is one problem...we cannot find donor embryos. I have called all of the clinics I know of around here and the shortest wait is over a year. I have looked into the "embryo adoption" and that just seems like a scam to me. (people donate embryos to help out another couple and they charge 7-13 thousand dollars in agency fees). I need some direction. Do you have any thoughts or ideas on where I might have some luck finding donated embryos?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - June 8

recently the FDA has increased the testing of embryo donors, prior to embryo donation. It has become more onerous for the donor. I do not know of embryos available for donatin.
Good luck.



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