Confusion over Progesterone level
3 Replies
allisonrose - September 2

My doctor ordered bloodwork last month. I had a follow up appointment and was told that "everything looks good" and to come back in 4-6 months if not pregnant. I asked today to get a copy of my results. My progesterone (taken on 7 DPO) was 8.7. I read online that while over 5 indicated ovulation, over 10 is preferred.

Is a level of 8.7 a problem? Should I get my progesterone level rechecked? Should I consider supplementation?

Thanks for all your help.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - September 2

No matter how high the concentration of progesterone in your blood, it does not assure ovulation. It is fairly common among women having trouble establishing a pregnancy to go through all the hormonal changes of ovulation without releasing the egg. Please see the information I have provided on our web page, <>.
Good luck.


allisonrose - September 2

What I am wondering is whether my progesterone might be the reason why I have not conceived yet. Is 8.7 a problem? Does it mean that my body might have a problem sustaining a pregnancy? Does it mean that a fertilized egg would have difficulty implanted into my uterus?

Should my doctor have already addressed it in some way, shape or form rather than glossing over it? Are there other tests that should be done to see whether the progesterone is a problem?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - September 2

Progesterone is probably the least important issue. There is a series of tests which should be done on a couple, as part of an infertility evaluation, before treatment is initiated. Please see the information I have provided on our web site, <>.



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