Dr. Jacobs, I am 38 doing IVF for DH low sperm motility. 1st protocol Lupron and 300 Follistim (5 eggs) 2nd protocol 225 Follistim and 225 menopur + Antagon (5 eggs). We are doing PGD and protocol for the lab states we need 5 day 3 eggs to biopsy. We cancelled the 1st cycle in hopes to get more eggs with a more aggressive protocol the 2nd time around. We got the same result. We retrieved those 5, fertilized them and froze them. 1 of the 5 eggs did not fertilize until about 40 hours, the rest within 24 hours. Do you think that 1 egg will be bad?? My RE is baffled and states maybe I will only produce eggs no matter what protocol I am on. He is thinking about not putting me on BCP's next time and doing more Follistim and less menopur and doing Lupron and antagon. Does this sound reasonable?? Any suggestions? Thanks for your time and opinion on this delilcate matter. Lisa
There are a number of different protocols to stimulate ovaries. In my patients who are poor responders, I use a microdose flare protocol. Please also note that at the age of 38, your egg quality is not likely to be great. You may wish to consideer using an egg donor. Good luck.