Hi Dr., I am 15 wks pg through IVF after a 5 yr journey. As with most IVF patients, I had ultrasounds every 2 wks for the first trimester and all is good, baby appears healthy with a heart rate of 171. Now that I have been released to my regular OB they are only seeing me once a month and not doing regular ultrasounds. I understand that is normal, and I have been spoiled by all the extra care. But now, since I haven't had a "window" inside in a month almost, I am panicking that something could go wrong and I wouldn'e even know it. Is it possible for the baby to just arrest development at this stage and would there be a sign like cramping or bleeding? Does this type of thing happen?? I am not showing and haven't felt movement so for all I know, this pregnancy has arrested... Am I worrying for nothing? Thank you
Even though there is a potential to lose a pregnancy after the first trimester, you are probably "out of the woods". Even though you went through heroic efforts to achieve a pregnancy, now that it is established, it is at no greater risk than any other pregnancy. Congratulations.