Any sepcific diet?
1 Replies
Dwani - January 11

Dear Dr.Jacob, I greatly appreciate your wonderful service apart from your busy schedule. You have answered few of my questions before I got another one now.

I will be starting Lupron 2/3 rd of my periods next week, my questions is do we need to follow any specific diet or avoid any which can prevent getting pregnant. I am not asking for taking alcohol or smoking, just the regular diet? Can I still continue with my 20 minutes walking every day when I am going thru this treatment?

Thanks in Advance,


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - January 11

If you are starting Lupron as treatment for endometriosis, you will not become pregnant while taking it. If you are using Lupron as par of an IVF protocol, it is a good idea to stop alcohol consumption. You should stop smoking, anyway. Continue your walking and other exercise.
Good luck.



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