just joined this site and would really appreciate any words of encouragement / positivity.
I have had one miscarriage ( natural conception) at 13 wks, 6 IUIs ( one miscarriage at 8 weeks) had 2 chemical pregnancies and have had just done my 3rd cyle of IVF. it was cancelled today, as the one and only egg i had, was of bad quality and didnt fertilze. the dr said he has given me the highest dosage of all meds up to now, and still i only produce one egg. he says i have a low ovarian reserve for my age ( 39 next month) and that he doesnt see a positive future for me.
Has anyone else only ever had one egg and become preg from it?
i think he wants me to do a natural cycle, but still do the egg retrieval / transfer - has anyone been successful with this?
would appreciate hearing from anyone....
I am sorry that you have been going through so much.......I have had three miscarriages back to back. I finally found out that I have MTHFR gene mutation (two copies) which may lead to miscarriages. I have gone to a RE, but we are at the beginning....lab work........we are not going to try IVF. We are going to try superovulation. I am forty years old and pretty optimistic.........I just don't believe in all the statistics they show you about your age and egg quality. We opted to pay for acupuncture. I also consult a naturopathic physician who helps me with my diet. She says that you need at least three months of acupuncture and good diet before attempting ART. She says that this will help in preparing your body for pregnancy. We are going to do this before getting into ART.
thank you so much for getting back to me. so i went for a consultation with my doc and he said the only realyhope is egg donation. this totally freaks me out. i have a 2 and a half year old that was a natuarl preg etc, and i have had 2 miscarriages in the last year and a half. do you think i am a case to right off at this stage as never getting preg with my own eggs and having to go for a donor? he said what was, was and today is different, age, time etc...
i am so depressed.
anyone used egg donors? what do you thik about it? do you feel like you are carrying your own child? i am worried i wont feel taht the child is mine...