thinking of being surrogate...
1 Replies
mommyof5 - March 5

I was wondering what the normal amount of time it takes to get pregnant using IVF with AI. I am new to the process. I always was lucky enough to get pregnant immediately. Also, I was curious if there would be any reason it wouldn't take if I am very fertile. I have no idea of the normal steps and what all is required and haven't had much luck on finding what I am looking for. Any help would be great.


Dianna - April 16

Each clinic is different.
I am not sure I understand your question you have AI?? auto immune or is that artificial insemination?
For IVF with stimulation drugs 4-5 weeks is a general timeframe.
For IUI it is with your cycle (usually)

Hope that helps
and by the way...what a great thing to do for someone!



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