I am a 1st timer to this site. I have PCOS, and desperately want a child!! As I'm sure we all do here at this site. I have a ton of questions and am looking forward to all of ur insight! Anything Anyone has to say will be greatly appreciated :) Thank U and baby dust to us all :-*[b][/b][color=Green][/color]
The best advice with PCOS I have is to be under the care of an RE. I have it and so does my sister and we have lost 5 pregnancies between us and no babies as of yet. I respond well to clomid and have good follies, but my lining is too thin. You would think the dr's would know that abnd counter it with progesterone but they didn't. Try to lose weight if you are overweight. I dropped 60 pounds and the PCOS went away. Hope this helps.