I want to thank you all for your support. Finding this web site was wonderful. I won't be able to check up and see what's going on for three days since tomorrow is my implantation. I am very excited and feel differently this third time around. I am going for it all and implanting I think four embryos. I wish I wasn't so tired and eating everything but they have me on so much progesterone. I am so bloated I look like I could be pregnant ::). Well thanks to all.
Paige - best of luck to you tomorrow! Keep us posted on everything you are going through.
Good luck paige and let us know how it turns out. Baby dust to you.
Good luck Paige! Hope your transfer goes really smoothly and gives you a positive on the 9th! Keep us posted on what is going on with you! Stay positive, the third time is the charm I say!
Good luck, Paige
Third time's the charm! Let us know how it went when you can!
Thanks all I'm off to the doctors and will see ya later ;D
Paige, Be sure to let us all know what the news is on Monday!!! I sure hope it's a big +++++ for you! I will say prayers for a BFP!