wednesday's my day!!!!!
6 Replies
paige - April 27

I want to thank you all for your support. Finding this web site was wonderful. I won't be able to check up and see what's going on for three days since tomorrow is my implantation. I am very excited and feel differently this third time around. I am going for it all and implanting I think four embryos. I wish I wasn't so tired and eating everything but they have me on so much progesterone. I am so bloated I look like I could be pregnant ::). Well thanks to all.


ElizabethS - April 27

Paige - best of luck to you tomorrow! Keep us posted on everything you are going through.


Fortyfour - April 27

Good luck paige and let us know how it turns out. Baby dust to you.


WantsBaby2 - April 27

Good luck Paige! Hope your transfer goes really smoothly and gives you a positive on the 9th! Keep us posted on what is going on with you! Stay positive, the third time is the charm I say!



meridithhasfaith - April 27

Good luck, Paige

Third time's the charm! Let us know how it went when you can!



paige - April 27

Thanks all I'm off to the doctors and will see ya later ;D


WantsBaby2 - May 8

Be sure to let us all know what the news is on Monday!!! I sure hope it's a big +++++ for you! I will say prayers for a BFP!




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