Repronex for Sale -- UPDATE
12 Replies
mrsd123 - October 15

I have 19 vials of Repronex 75IU left over that I would like to sell. Expiration date is 12/06. Medicine has been properly stored at room temperature.

These are left from my successful IUI in December 2005, which gave me a set of beautiful twins!

I'd like $22.50 per vial plus shipping via whatever method you choose. Or, make me an offer. I hate to see it go to waste!

Email me at [email protected] if you're interested.


tam3 - November 13

Wanting to see if you have any of this medicine left. Only have $120 left to spend. Have had 6 miscarriages and gonna give it one more go. Thanks.


mrsd123 - November 13

Hi -
Yes, I'd like to help you out.
Email me and we can work out details.
Still have 19 vials.


tam3 - November 13

Thank you soooooo much!!!!! ;D
My home email has been acting a little funny so I was going to see if you could email me or call me. My name is Tammy and my email address is: [email protected] and my home telephone is 812-932-1442. You are our angel with baby dust we didn't think anyone would be willing to help us out with what little money we have left. God bless!


mrsd123 - November 14

Sent you an email.
Will call if I don't hear from you.


tam3 - November 15

Got the email but for some reason it wont let me reply to it. I do have a pp act. and if we could do it that way that would be great. The priority ship is okay don't need until the 25th of the month. I am grateful beyond words thank you sooooo much!! ;D


mrsd123 - November 17

Tammy -
I sent you an email but it bounced back.
Are you still interested?
If not, I will move on to someone else.


tam3 - November 19

Hello sorry haven't been online to respond. Alot going on here with the holidays. I am having alot of trouble with our crazy email it just isn't working right, someone is suppossed to be here on wed to look at it. We are still very interested unfortunately my hormone levels aren't let gonna let it happen this cycle! :'( However my parents are gonna pay for one more go next month so I still have the $120 for the meds. Who knows maybe a great christmas suprise for us! :D As soon as my email gets fixed which should be on wed morning, could you try to email it to me again. Or is there another way to do it?!


tam3 - November 27

This is tammy my email just got fixed yesterday and we were out of town for the holiday. My father in law came and did it. Ended up with like 700 emails to go thru. working on it. Did get one from you hopefully its the pp one. If so I will send the $ thru tomorrow. Thanks for being patient with us. God bless and will talk to you tomorrow promise. :)


tam3 - November 28

Hey there again. The email wasn't actually an email it was a thing telling me you tried to send one but it had spam attached to it so it wouldn't let me receive it. Could you send it one more time and since its fixed this time it shouldn't be a problem. I've gotten all my other emails that have been sent since he fixed it. Hope to here from you tomorrow or later today. Thanks again.


mrsd123 - November 28

I will resend it. If you have more problems, you can also try to email me directly at [email protected].

Hope it works this time - the email and the baby dust! : )


tam3 - November 29

Thanks sooooo much!!! ;D I got it and paid it today so you should have got it!! Did it just like 2 minutes ago (5pm). Please let me know when you ship it and the track no. if you have one. Thanks again so much. hopefully it will be lucky for me like it was you.


tam3 - November 29

Also if you have any needles left could you please send them! And any advice you might have in hopes of anything to help make it work.... Please and again thanks. :)



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