Repronex & Ganirelix for sale
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carriebohun - February 4

Unfortunately I have been TTC for 3 years with no success. I just finished a cycle using an egg donor that ended in miscarriage. I am not giving up hope yet though. I am hoping to scrape up enough money to possibly try another egg donor. But in the meantime I have some meds that I would like to sell to help someone else.

I have 3 of the Ganirelix with an exp. date of 10/2007 and 2 boxes of the Repronex with 5 single doses with an exp. date of 05/2007.

I am looking for $25 each for the Ganirelix = $75
and $25 for each box of Repronex = $50

I am in Illinois and can ship to you overnight and pack appropriately. I can get a quote and let you know what the shipping would be.

Please e-mail me at [email protected]



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