IVF concerns
5 Replies
Kaz - May 23

I recently started posting on this board and have found it extremely supportive. My dh and I are moving onto IVF but have decided to take the summer off from treatments and probably do an IVF cycle in Sept/Oct. My dh has some concerns about IVF, and we are taking an orientation class at our IF clinic in June. But, I'm wondering if any of you or your dh's had similar concerns and how you dealt with them. Dh is very concerned about the possible long-term side effects of injecting large amounts of hormones into my body. Granted, this is a guy who doesn't like to take an aspirin for a headache, but his concerns are very real and therefore we are trying to sort this out. Any advice, thoughts, suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks and good luck to all of you who are cycling this summer.


cassandra - May 23

Kaz, I'm really not sure of any long term effects. My dh was more concerned they put the right embrios in. Silly to me but very real to him. During your class in June have him ask the nurse or doctor who is giving the class. You should also have a meeting with a phsycologist (sp.?). They should be understanding and compassionate about your fears.Good luck...cassandra


meridithhasfaith - May 23


I agree with Cassandra. Talk with the psychologist at the clinic. Hopefully, one will be available during the orientation class in June. As far as mecial issues regarding long-term effects on your body from use of ovarian hyper-stimulation medication, ask your doctor outright. He/She will tell you or at least they should. (mine did)
Sadly, the possibilities are different with each medication so you will need to know your protocol and be able to ask specific questions regarding it.
I think it's normal to think about all of these things. If your DH has trouble taking an aspirin, chances are he will never be totally ok with the medications but that's ok too. It's your body and once you have all of the info you think you need, you can decide.

Good luck at the class...


Fortyfour - May 23

Meredithhas faith, do you have an approx date yet?


Kaz - May 23

Thanks Cassandra and Meridith. I am hopeful that this orientation will put dh at ease. I think he just hadn't even started thinking about IVF as a possibiltiy until the doctor mentioned it, where I have been thinking about it all along. We'll get there, and hopefully we'll have a lot of energy going into our cycle this fall. Until then, we're going to try to enjoy life without IF visits for awhile.


Fortyfour - May 23

Kaz. good luck to you and your hubby. Baby dust to you.



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