Is anyone ready to start a new IVF cycle?
551 Replies
honeybaby and 44, I AM SO ECSTATIC for you! You have given me hope when I needed it the most. I am going to afghanistan to get it over with and I will not think twice about trying again when we return. I have been so torn with the 2 BFN's that I got, but I know that I can't quit trying. There is so much heartache involved with infertility but when you hear of women that have success, it lets the sun shine down on you again!
I have to work on DH though, he is still not going to church with me because he has some inner issues with our troubles. He is so angry that we are god fearing upstanding citizens that actually waited until we were financially stable to conceive, and yet there are women all over the place that don't deserve to be mothers just popping them out left and right living off of our tax dollars. Yes I am bitter. LOL.
Does anybody know if there are any tests that they can do to see why my embies don't stick? Our embies fertilize beautifully but for some reason I can't get them to latch! And our embies never make it to freezing either.
I am praying for you two that you have wonderful pregnancies and that god will bless you with lil bundles!
Everyone else that is still trying to get a BFP, a wise man once said to me "our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always just to try one more time" And hopefully god will bless you with the finances to afford to keep trying.
Thank you all for your kind words. I am very nervous about tomorrow because the nurse said there may not be a sac in the uterus. Why would she say that. I would have not even thought of that and now i am worried sick. I hate this. I will let you all know tomorrow.
Congrat honeybaby your numbers look great. Even like multiples. Keep on growing baby.
Baby dust to all.
Hi ArmyAngel: Don't give up and keep the Lord in your heart. My DH the day before transferred called us into the bedroom our little one too, and we all held hands and got on our knees and he started to pray. So I know that the Lord is faithful and is up to us to let HIM do his wonders. My DH when our first BFP failed he was very upset and uncertain too and was not into hearing the word again but now he is so hopeful. Thank God I do have a great partner.
Be safe in Afghanistan and we will be praying for you. ;)
44-45 thanks! I went today for a very early U/S and blood, of course blood count is what I am worry about and I saw clearly one little dot, my RE wasn't there today so this other Nurse did my sono and she wasn't to expert on it we didn't hear much from her and yes I am eating my heart out this procedure is so stressful and mind bothering God willing everything will be fine and quite sure that your test will show positive results as well, many times this nurses use their medical lingo and us as patients are so sensitive to any negative possibility. I am praying for us so hang in there, I am waiting for my beta mean time my tush is sore.
Showers of Baby Dust for all of US!!!
It's me again, I wanted to share the good news with you DH was the first and you second my HCG went from 470 to 1325 thank God, and decreasing progesterone, I was also taking estrace and no longer needed. Now I am do for sono and b/w next week I will be doing my house work in moderation and going to bed early as it is I am tired early in the night. Take it easy all.
God bless us with more baby dust :' )
Congrat honeybaby- Things sound great-
Armyangel - will you be able to let us know how you are doing will overseas?
Tickingclock - we put in 4 blasts this time.
My ultrasound showed one sac in the uterus and next week we go to see if it is progessing. I am really tired, hungry and pee every 30 minutes. Sounds like good signs to me.
Baby dust to all. Is anyone else waiting on hcg results?
44 and Honeybaby- Both of you sound like you are well on your way. I go on the 16th for my beta. I hope I get to join you in the BFP club. I have had no symptoms at all so far. Some minor cramping but I know that is from the PIO. I will keep you posted!
44- I will definitely keep in touch with all of you, as I know how wonderful it is to talk to the other women with IF problems.
Asun, it seems like the season for BFP's so I am praying for you!
I hear that we will be able to purchase internet in our spaces for about $70 a month. You have no idea how small a price that is for being able to see my family on webcam and talk to all of you! I hate that I won't be able to do another cycle for a year, but it makes it that much easier when you wait for so long! Just like waiting almost 30 years to be a mama! So when we finally do get pregnant it will be the most precious thing EVER!
Baby dust to all! Angel
Armyangel- since I am the old lady of the bunch I feel I can say that your are still young and have time to get pg. You could even have a few by my age. Take care and keep in touch.
Congrats honeybaby sounds like wonderful news.. Send some of that lucky baby dust my way doing my first IFV the retrieval is tomorrow I guess thats why i am on the net so late cant sleep. And wed will be the transfer.. Best of luck in your pregnancy!!:)
44-5 Been thinking about you I wasnt sure if I missed the latest post from you the last I heard you went for the sono and were going again for a follow up.. Let me know I'll say a prayer for ya!! gina
Hello all- Tomorrow is the big day. I broke down and took a HPT this morning. A very, very faint second line appeared very slowly. In fact it was not there at first but later arrived. Not sure what to think. I am trying to be optimistic but also trying to be realistic. This is the same type of HPT result I got awhile back with my chemical. The interesting part I think is that I didn't even do a HCG trigger shot with the FET so I had to make that stuff somewhere. I will keep you all posted. I am trying to focus on the Lord's plan for me and my DH and hope this is it for us!
Asunflower - Cool - I hope this pregnancy continues to grow and grow. Darcie
Official BFP but only a beta of 33. I am staying cautiously optimistic. I go back on Wed.
Hello Asunflower,
I haven't posted in a long time but I've been reading everyones posts. I was so thrilled and inspired by your BFP!!!. I had my FET last weekend and have been a nervous wreck ever since. Anyway, Your post, which I read today, just made me smile and hope. Thank you and congratulations!
Hi everyone - We have a heartbeat and baby is the right size. yahoo!
Dear fourtyfour, I am soooooooo hapy for you!! CONGRADULATIONS! laura
Hi Girls,
I am so happy for 44-45 and Asunflower and why not me too. I went this past monday for b/w and u/s and my beta is doing great and we were able to see the my little baby I am today 6 weeks and will be going next monday for more b/w and u/s and maybe then to hear the heartbeat. I am very hopeful that this is it!
And yes to all of you who are in the process of transfer or retrieval I send you my best and showers of baby dust!
We are static at home and I will be in touch.