Hi There...I am new to this and have just started my first IUI cycle. I am on day 10 of my cycle and this morning I had an ultrasound. The doctor said that I could be ready to go tomorrow or the next day. They called this afternoon with my results - an Estradol level of 1430 and an LH of 12 - Can someone interpret this for me?
Hi Rosy,
I dont know what your levels mean but just wanted to wish you luck with your cycle..
Hi Rosy,
When I had my IUI my estradiol was 600 on cd12. I had 3 mature follicle and the doc said 600 was ok b/c he generally wants to see 150-200 per follicle. that is consistent with what i've seen on various internet sites. i'm not sure about LH as my RE didn't get a reading for that. Hope that helps. Maybe you had a bunch of follicles!
Good Luck with your IUI!!
Thanks for your responses. I have an u/s today to determine when we will have the insemination. I'll ask about multiple follicles. I think they want me to inject the hcg trigger today.
Rosy - Good luck with this cycle and baby dust to you.