Hi Dr. Smith,
Could you post some info on your (North Hudson) clinic's DE procedure? Is there a potential to have any contact with the donor? How are donors chosen? Are photos used? How does the clinic find donors?
At North Hudson IVF Center, we coordinate both anonymous and directed (known) egg donation. We continuously recruit potential anonymous egg donors through print advertisements and word of mouth (potential donors talking to other potential donors).
In order to be "cleared" for egg donation, the potential donor must meet several criteria:
-Normal height and weight -Regular menstrual periods and normal hormonal profile -Non-smoker -Reliable, with their own transportation -Compliant and able to follow detailed instructions -Pass evaluation by psychologist (standardized personality tests and interview) -No major health problems in their family (going back two generations) -Good overall health, normal physical exam -Minimum of 12 follicles developing on D3 ultrasound scan -Non-reactive for all infectious disease screening (HIV-1, HIV-2, Hepatitus B and C, vCJD, syphillus, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.) -Non-carrier status for all appropriate gentic testing (i.e. cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sacs, sickle cell, thalasemia, etc.
And, in order to be considered for repeat donation, the donor must have produced a minimum of 5 high-quality blastocyst stage embryos on the preceding cycle. Donors are not used more than 4 times.
Potetial recepients are asked to describe the characteristics they would like to have in an egg donor and then they are provided with pitures and profiles of donors that are potential matches. The recipient then decides on a first and second choice. The anonymity of the donor is maintained throughout the process.
Following the egg retrieval, the donor is compensated $3,000 for their time and trouble. I should mention that donor compensation at North Hudson IVF Center is significantly less than other programs in the NYC area. The lower compensation does turn off some potential donors (and they go off to the find the highest bidder), but we believe that the donors that are willing to recieve $3000 in compensation are also motivated by a deep desire to help another woman/couple have a baby. From our point of view, this is the kind of donor we would want if we were in the position of needing an egg donor.
In the case of directed (known) donation, the patient would recruit their own potential egg donor and then the donor would be screened in the same way as an anonymous donor. At North Hudson IVF Center, we do not recruit potential directed/known donors.