Thawing Day 1 Embryos
1 Replies
connier - November 20

Can embryos that were frozen on day 1 be grown to blast stage? Or are they compromised and transferring on day 3 would be a better choice?



Dr Smith - November 21

They most certainly can be thawed and grown to the blastocyst stage prior to transfer. There is no scientific advantage to transferring the embryos on Day 3. If they are going to develop to the blastocyst stage, they will. Because the main determining factor in embryo delopment is genetics, placing them in the uterus will not change their genetic make up and therefore will increase their chances of development. And no, the uterus is not a better place for the embryos because it is "natural". It is actually "unnatural" because, on a natural cycle, embryos travel down the Fallopian tubes and do not reach the uterus until late on the fourth day. Putting the embryos in the wrong place at the wrong time won't help.



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