slow cleaving embies
1 Replies
holly-co - May 8

Other than the obvious, poor egg quality, what other factors could possibly contribute to the slow cleaving of embies (6 cells or less on day 3) but with good grades (no fragmentation, even cell sizes etc.). Can fast stimming do this, too many follicles, drop in E2 from day of trigger to day after trigger, endo, lack of lh in protocol etc.

Thank you for your time.


Dr Smith - May 9

All of the factors you mention can directly or indirectly adversely affect egg maturation during follicular development and therefore the developmental potential of the resulting embryos (i.e. cleavage rate). In addition, many embryos arrest development between the 4 and 8-cell stage of development. Six-cell embryos may not be slow, they may have stopped growing. Unfortunately, when they are transferred on Day 3, it is impossible to know if the continued to develop or not unless the person becomes pregnant. Then, of course, the point is moot.



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