Precycle Frozen sperm parameter/thaw parameters
1 Replies
brenda blankenship - October 4

Unfortunately we have secured our medical file from our current clinic and there was so many surprises, I am in a state of shock.
Regarding my husband sperm, we went through extensive testing with my husband's sperm prior to embarking onto donor egg. We underwent 3 separate sperm chromatin structure tests performed by SCSA diagnostics lab in Brookings, SD. We were fortunate bc the 1st results showed a dna fragmenation of 43%. On the third sample sent to scsa, we had a sample frozen before shipping to scsa. There was a sperm analysis and sperm chromatin performed on this semen.

the results on the sample that was frozen were the following:
concentration 33.00 X 10/6
Volume 4.10 ml
total sperm count 135.3
motility 65%
morphology 9%
fragmenation 22%
this sample was split into 6 vials and frozen.

for the donor egg cycle one vial was unthawed and utilized.

reviewing the laboratory one page note which at the top of the form states Lab:Sperm Preparation
this clinic used the above sperm and unthawed this sperm sample.
there are section on this form sperm prepapartion or sections

The first section is Specimen(values under this heading),

2nd section is sperm information pre processing(values for volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, sperm forward progression)

3rd section Sperm Preparation

4th section sperm information Post Processing

My question is on this form should the section that list sperm information pre processing equal the same values before the sperm was frozen or the 1st set of values I gave where the morphology was 9%?

thanks for your insights?


Dr Smith - October 5

The form was designed for use with a fresh ejaculate. Hence, the categories/headings don't make a lot of sense when using a frozen-thawed specimen. This is particularly true since the specimen was split into 6 vials prior to freezing. If it were me filling out the form, the only area I would fill in is "Processing" and "Post Processing". I would leave the other areas blank because it would be confusing to another embryologist to use the pre-freeze ejaculate parameters.



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