I am in the process of trying to get my RE to test for NK cells. I have had 3 failed IVF cycles and I am getting ready to do a FET. I know that Solu- Cortef is an inexpensive way to treat NK cells. Is it an injection that is given? Could I just get the Solu- Cortef medication and have the injection prior to the transfer without being tested just as a precaution? What would be the downfall of using the medication if you don't need it?
This is more of a medical question, and I'm not an MD, so I'm not qualified to provide medical advice. I'll do my best, without crossing the line. Solu-Cortef is an injection and, as far as I know, there is no downside (i.e. serious side effects) from a single dose at the time of ET. However, as they say on TV, "Ask your doctor about Solu-Cortef to find out if its right for you".
Thanks for your help. I apprecaite your opinion and you brought a smile to my face! Thanks!