Hi All, This is my first IVF Cycle. Early 30's, tried 3 Clomid IUI's and am currently on Lupron, 300 IU Repronex. I had my ER y'day. The retrieved 17 eggs, 1 egg could not be taken out as it was behind the uterus and difficult to get. The lab called me today and said that out of the 17, 10 were mature and 6 had fertilized. They said that they would let me know tomorrow of the progress and would suggest whether it would be a 3-day or 5-day transfer. My question is: Is this a normal cycle in the sense that only 10 of the 17 eggs matured with 6 of the 10 getting fertilized. Is it indicative of any problems. Thanks.
On average, the following results are expected:
80% of the follicles will yield an egg 80% of the eggs retrieved will be mature 80% of the mature eggs will fertilize
If you do the math, your results are less than expected. This could be indicative of an egg problem or the result of a less-than-optimal stimulation. If there is significant dysynchrony in the growth of the follicles (a few big ones and lots of small ones), this pattern of lower than expected number of mature eggs and lower than expected number of fertilized eggs appears. This is the most likely explanation for your observed results. A different stimulation that results in better synchrony of follicluar growth may yield better results. Hopefully, it won't come to that. Best of luck.