Bad PGD result - advice needed
1 Replies
suzsmith - March 28

Hi - I am 37 years old - just completed my first IVF cycle. My FSH is 3.9 and my estrogen levels are normal. I produced 15 follicles - 8 had eggs in them - 7 fertilized. After PGD we found out that all of the embryos were genetically abnormal. My RE thinks that this was a fluke - that we had a bad batch of eggs and that we should try again given that i stimulate well and that I am still technically young (he treats many women over 40). I am worried that I will produce only abnormal eggs and never have children of my own - is this a reasonable concern or do bad cycles sometime occur?

And - have you heard of any women who have had all abnormal eggs go on to have successful cycles?

Thanks for any help you can give....I am just heartbroken.



Dr Smith - March 29

I don't think you should give up just yet. Your recent cycle was just a small sample from the thousands of eggs remaining in your ovaries. However, it is likely that a significant number of the embryos resulting from a second attempt would also be abnormal. Based on available data, at 37, approximately 65-75% of the embryos will be abnormal. This solely a factor of age and has nothing to do with you personally as a patient.

Our patients (all older than you) who have had similar PGD results have moved on to successful pregnancies using donated eggs. So, I'm sorry but I don't have any encouraging news in that department.



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