Am i too old
2 Replies
Ginaa - October 27

Hi Doctor,
I would like your opinion. I am 43 years old ( 44 in Nov) and just finished a clomid challenge and was told during the day 3 u/s that there were about 15 possible eggs (she called them something else but i can't remember).
the blood work from my clomid challenge were:
Day 3 : FSH 6.0
LH 4.0
E2 44.8
Inhibi B 128

Day 10: FSH 7.6
LH 9.4

Do you think i would have a good change of concieving with my own eggs with the numbers above doing IVF?
My last IVF end of 05 showed my eggs looked good but i didn't PG that IVF i had 3-6cell, 1-5 cell, 1-4 cell. 4 cell didn't make it to transfer but the others did.
What do you think ? I am paying out of pocket for IVF thats another reason i would like a second opinion.
Thank you for your time


wannabemom - October 28

I hope that your not to old! I'm 37 and hoping.


Dr Smith - November 7

At your age, its a numbers game. The more eggs you have, the better your chances. The CCT does not tell anything about the quality or genetic normalacy of your eggs. Term pregnancies over 42 are rare. In your previous cycle, none of the embryos progressed to the 8-cell stage by Day 3. This is not a good sign. Most genetically abnormal embryos arrest development between the 4 and 8-cell stage of development. All your embryos were between the 4 and 8 cell stage, so its impossible to tell whether or not you had any chance at all. Of course, everyone knows someone who knows someone who got pregnant from IVF at 44, but the reason everybody marvelled at it was because it was so rare. If I were you (and I'm not), I would not attempt another IVF with your own eggs. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.



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