abnormal pelvic ultrasound
1 Replies
Lakshmi - December 30

hello Doctor
We r trying for our second child for 3 yrs found out male infertility in 2004.I was normal at that time, all my test reports came out normal. Our doc suggested to go for clomid IUI in december 2005 , before the procedure they took HSG for me in oct 7th where results came out to be normal.But on dec 27 th(before my IUI procedure) i had pelvic ultrasound , the doc now found out that my fallopian tubes are swollen like sausage shape on both sides(might me fluid-filled), and they could not be clear what may be so they suggested us to go for MRI which is scheduled on tuesday jan 03 2006.if MRI is not clear then they r suggesting me to go for one more HSG test(which is really painfull procedure).
What is the possible reason for this abnormality?
Is there any chances that i would have got infection from my HSG done on oct 7th?
Doc suspects that my tubes are suppressed since i did not had my bowel movement on morning before the procedure

Suppose i had to remove my damaged fallopian tubes thro surgery still can we hope to have second baby thro IVF. will it be sucessfull.I am 28 yrs old and already have one son thro natural conception in 1998.



Dr Smith - January 2

Sorry to hear of your troubles. These a medical questions and not within my area of expertise (I'm a reproductive biologist, not a physician). Please post your questions on Dr Jacob's Infertility 101 Message Board. I'm sure he will answer.



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