7 grade 4 arrest on day 4
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My husband and I went for our third ivf transfer this week. Day one through three we had seven grade 4 and 4 + embryos. On day three 2 were 11, three were ten cell, and the rest were eight and nine. On day four they stopped growing ( all seven). My husband has a normal semen analysis. We used ICSI. I don't understand how they could all be pretty good, no fragmentation, etc. then all arrest. My first two ivf cycles were day three that went to eight cells (I just don't have as much info. On the first two. I have endometriosis that my RE got rid of surgically and hypothyroidism that is being treated with thyroxine. I have great thyroid levels now. Both my husband and I are 34 and have been trying for four years. Wonder if it could be my husband's sperm ( sperm defrag) that caused the arrest? He has only had the semen analysis. Also, of the four couples going though this batch we were the only couple not to reach blastocysts stage. All the other couples used PICSI because their DH's sperm had low motility, etc.