6-Cell Embryo - Success?
5 Replies
Piggie - January 26

Hi: This is my second IVF attempt. I'm 41 and I've never been PG. Yesterday, out of 11 eggs fertilized, only 4-5 were considered decent enough to transfer on day 3. We went ahead and transferred all 5. Four were 6-celled with little fragmentation, and the fifth was a 5-cell. What are the chances of success with 6-cell embryos? My understanding is that they should be 8-celled by day 3.

Incidentally, in my last cycle, my eggs were slow developing. (On day 3, my best were 4-5 cells, but all went on to blast on day 6).

Thank you for this forum. It is very helpful.


Piggie - January 26

Forgot to mention that the 6-celled embies were graded between 2-3 on a 5 point scale, with a grade 5 being a flawless embryo (clinic told me they rarely, if ever, see grade 5s).


Dr Smith - January 27

It difficult to predict success because the developmental potential of the embryos has not been determined. Many embryos stop growing between the 4 and 8-cell stage of development. Since your embryos had not developed to this stage yet, it is unclear which ones (if any) will continue to the blastocyst stage and be capable of implantation. Your past success at reaching the blastocyst stage is not really very predictive either since each sperm and egg combination is genetically unique and their developmental potential is based solely on their genetic normalicy. Not very helpful, huh? Sorry, but there's really no way to tell how its going to play out. Hang in there.


Piggie - January 27

Thank you for your honest response! Have a nice weekend.


Looking for an Answer - January 31

My friend is 38 years old and has had one IVF sucess. She just went for her transfer today. Same story as you piggie. She had 5; 6-cell embryos transfered. She is kind of down because her aspiration went great, she had 10 eggs retreived and they were all Code 1 after the fertilization. She was very hopeful this time. Well today really shot her spirits. I am still holding out for a sucessful conception and healthy pregnancy.

I ran into this site looking for information on 6-cell transfers. I am trying ot let her rest and looking for information instead of asking so many questions. Good luck to you. I will be hoping for your little blessing.


Piggie - February 6

Hello Guest: Just thought I'd update you and anyone else lurking here since I like to know how things work out! Unfortunately, I learned today that my IVF cycle was not successful. I did not even have a chemical. I will try a different RE next time with a different protocol to see if I get a better result.

And thank you again to Dr. Simon and the others who host this board for giving us this forum for questions. I very much appreciate it.



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