14 cell, day 3
1 Replies
RS - February 14

Although at the moment I am pursuing a fresh IVF cycle, I have 2 embryos frozen from a previous cycle: 6 cell, grade 2 and 14 cell, grade 2. My doc made an offhanded comment one time about being a little worried about the 14-cell one moving too fast (it was frozen on day3). Is such an embryo more concerning for aneuploidy?
Also, if an embryo is only a morula on day 5, is it likely to be arrested?
Thanks, RS


Dr Smith - February 15

My concern is not for the number of cells (this is within the normal range for Day 3), but rather that the embryo was delayed in undergoing compaction (a process that normal preceeds the development of the morula at 16 cells). Compaction is usually initiated late in the 8-cell stage and is complete by the late 16-cell stage (morula). I am not aware of any data that correlates a rapid (but within the normal range) rate of growth with genetic abnormalities. Embryos reaching the morula stage on Day 5 often continue to develop to the blastocyst stage by morning of Day 6. Although a little bit pokey, they regularly result in pregnancies. Very few embryos arrest at the morula stage - although this is more common when there is a severe sperm problem.



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