1. Reduce Environmental Estrogens

Environmental estrogens can affect the hormone levels in your body, negatively influencing your fertility. Your body produces its own estrogen to help regulate ovulation and menstruation. However, it also gets extra synthetic or plant estrogens from food items, plastic containers, and other types of food packaging.

Too much estrogen can throw your reproductive cycle out of whack. This can make conception difficult, so it is a good idea to try to limit the amount of environmental estrogens that you take in.

2. Reduce the Junk

Nutrition is of the utmost importance when you are trying to become pregnant. A healthy and balanced diet can go a long way to boosting your fertility and increasing your chances of conception. A healthy diet that provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals will ensure that you are in proper phsyical health to have a baby.

If your nutrition is lacking, your body may feel that it isn't prepared to become pregnant, and therefore you may experience infertility. Some foods to avoid while you are trying to conceive include:

  • artificial sweetners
  • caffeine
  • food additives, like MSG
  • contaminated food or water

3. Reduce Stress

Stress can also play a role in fertility issues. If you are under extreme levels of stress, your body can begin to behave in irregular ways. Stress often triggers a change in the regular hormonal balance. This could make ovulation, menstruation, and conception more difficult.

When you are trying to conceive, aim to be as stress-free as possible. Great ways to reduce your stress include exercise, yoga, and meditation.

Table of Contents
1. Lifestyle And Infertility
2. 3 fertility tips
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