One of the easiest ways to overcome infertility due to hypothyroidism is by getting your thyroid hormones under control. This can be done through medications that will regulate your hormones. Once your thyroid begins to function properly again, other issues, like anovulation should straighten themselves out.

If they don't, or you are still having troubles conceiving, consult with a fertility specialist to make sure there are no other underlying factors that need to be treated. In some cases, using fertility medications or assisted reproductive techniques, like IVF may be necessary.

Luteal Phase Defect
A luteal phase defect (LPD) refers to an irregularity in a women's menstrual cycle between ovulation and her next period. In most women, the luteal phase lasts 10 to 14 days. In women with a luteal phase defect, however, the phase lasts less than 10 days or more than 14 days.

Women with a luteal phase defect do not produce enough progesterone to form the uterine lining necessary to prepare for a possible pregnancy. Consequently, a pregnant woman with luteal phase defect may suffer from a miscarriage.

If you suspect you have luteal phase defect and want to become pregnant, your doctor will check your progesterone levels and if they are deemed sufficient, she may give you hormone replacement drugs or ovary stimulants.

Excess Estrogen
Estrogen overload is common in American women due to the presence of xenoestrogen compounds that are found in meat, milk products and plastic food packaging. Plus size women are at particular risk of having too much estrogen in their bodies since fat cells produce estrogen. The more fat cells you have, the more estrogen your body will produce. As with any hormone imbalance, too much estrogen will in fertility problems.

Excess estrogen in overweight women disturbs menstruation cycles and causes infertility. For pregnant women, a surplus of estrogen may cause miscarriage or a stillbirth. However, being overweight is not the only reason for excess estrogen in the system. Other reasons can include a hormonal imbalance, problems with the adrenal glands, too much fat in your diet, and hormone replacement therapy.

To help determine the precise reason for the excess estrogen in your system, your fertility specialist will want to test your hormone levels. Depending on the reason for the increased estrogen levels, your doctor may prescribe progesterone treatments to correct estrogen overload while your diet and exercise routines may also be examined.


Table of Contents
1. Plus-Sized Fertility
2. Overweight and Infertile?
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