stress & ttc
2 Replies
tiggerpounce418 - June 20

hello. it's been a long time since i've been on here. i've just been busy and not really much has changed in my situation. (currently on day 5 of 5 days on provera to bring on my period).

i just found out that my mother has breast cancer. the good thing, if there can be anything good about this, is it is in the very early stage. she will need to have daily radiation treatments for 6-weeks, which i will have to take her for. i'm just thinking between going back & forth to the hospital every day, keeping up with my work, taking care of domestic chores at my home & hers probably....i'm thinking maybe i should postone my infertility stuff.

the disappointing thing is i just found a fantastic RE who specializes in pcos and is one of the best clinics in the country! i'm just now getting started, and now this. i just feel so much stress and frankly not sure how to even deal with all of this. my stepfather's mother just had 3 heart attacks yesterday. i just don't know how much more i can deal with.

thanks for listening and i appreciate any advice. :-[


Heidi31 - August 24

hey tigger

At the risk of sounding patronizing, I always tell myself that "God never gives us anything we can't handle" You are a strong enough person to get through all the horrible news and the innitial shock is usually the worst part of a crisis. So buck up and make yourself laugh every single day the best you can or scream as loud as you can into a pillow ;) i find sometimes laughter is Not the best medicine but MADNESS usually does the job ;D


sblanton2 - September 1

I agree with the there is never a perfect time to get married or have children thing but have you looked at it this way. You going ahead with a cycle gives your mother and grandmother a ray of hope that just might make the difference in their treatment. If it works they know there will soon be a little one that needs them around and if it doesn't moms love to be there to comfort and believe it or not she might need that to take her mind of her illness. Just a thought.

Take care,



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