Have PCOS & was told I need to have bilateral salpingectomy. Please help..
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mahal - September 7

I'm new to here and was hoping I could get some input from anyone who has experienced similar difficulties.. I was told 3+ years ago I have PCOS but that I could still get pregnant. After years of trying and praying, was told last week that both my fallopian tubes are beyond destroyed (not blocked..but destroyed) and that I should have bilateral salpingectomy. I'm freaking out about that and also being told that if we want to have kids we need to do IVF...completely shocks my heart. In my research, it's soooo expensive let alone mentally/emotionally exhausting. Does anyone out there have any input about surgery--salpingectomy? (I'm scheduled to have surgery in Nov. 2006). Any input 'bout how expensive IVF is? Has anyone met in these groups? I live in Ontario, California and would be willing to meet up with anyone if interested...



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