Could it be twins?
3 Replies
broccoli12001 - June 10

Hello Ladies,
Happy to say I'm pregnant after IVF #1. My first beta 11 days after 3-day transfer =191. Two days later = 440.

Does that sound similar to betas any of you had when you were starting out with twins?



jamielee - June 11

Hi Maddy,
It could be twins, mine was 227 11dp3dt and I am having twins!!
My second beta was 769 but it was 3 or 4 days later.



broccoli12001 - June 11

Hi Jamie,
Thanks for writing. Congrats on your healthy twin pregnancy, despite the scares (I read your other posts). When are you due? I felt relieved to read that you didn't have symptoms until your 7th week. I don't feel anything except very sore boobs and I think that's the progesterone's doing. I've had 2 miscarriages in the past so I really hope this is it. I'm 41, by the way. How old are you? My first ultrasound (6th week) will be on 6/25



jamielee - June 11

Thank you, it has been pretty scary!! I was nervous about not having any symptoms (not even sore boobs) but when they did come it was horrible!!
I hope this is it for you as well! I am 30.




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