HcG level went from 0-25 one month after D&C.Why?
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hmilan - July 25

I miscarried my second child on June 22, 2010. I thought I was 12 weeks along but apparently the baby had died at 9 weeks. I opted for a D&C. I barely bled at all after the procedure and Ive been monitoring my HcG levels every week since. They have been consistently low and falling steadily. 3 weeks ago they were at 19. I missed one weekly test and last week they were at 5! Then this week my Doctor tells me they have gone UP to 25 for some reason. Is it normal for HcG to rise after getting as low as 5? My doctor is concerned it could be a molar pregnancy or leftover tissue. I am wondering if it could also mean a new pregnancy as my husband and I have been baby dancing since one week after the D&C. Has anyone had experience with this?



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