Progesterone supplements
1 Replies
silli_kitti - August 5

Is there any downside to taking a progesterone supplement during the luteal phase if there are no indications for it?

I'm told that progesterone supplements are given if one suffers from recurrent pregnancy loss, but I don't want to wait until I'm pregnant a few times to find out I suffer from recurrent pregnancy loss. Would it be OK to take a progesterone supplement, or are there negative side effects that should preclude me from taking it unless its indicated?


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - August 5

There is no real down side to progesterone supplementation, but it does not prevent pregncy loss, in most cases. If you have had 3 or more miscarriages, you and your husband need to be evaluated, before any treatment. I invite you to read the information I have provided on our web site, <>.
Good luck.



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