Poor Egg Quality?
1 Replies
Sarah - September 3


I was reading a post today in which you mentioned that women with PCO have a greater chance of producing poor quality eggs. Like I have mentioned before on previous posts I am 24 and just undergone my fourth IUI. At 24 and being diagnosed with PCO based on irregular periods and a higher LH what are my chances of having poor quality eggs? The aim of our RE was to only stimulate one follicle which hasn’t worked out, this time around with follistim/letrozole we had two mature follicles. I have read on your website that most couples do not require IVF and those that do really require it are very minimal. Do you think our chances would be better with IVF because of the PCO? That said apart from medical advice, if this was you what would you do?

Thank you



Barry Jacobs, M. D. - September 4

In my practice, I generally reserve IVF for patients with blocked tubes, severe male factor problems requiring that we inject sperm into eggs, and for those who have failed 3 to 4 cycles of stimulation with FSH and IUI.
Good luck.



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