natural proucts
1 Replies
cindy - April 28

has anyone taken fertility blend or ovulex they say they are fertility aid to normalixe hormones to help you body work right . please tell me what you think. i have had two miscarrys then start going to re i have done clomid , femara, and femara with follistim had 3 iui and nothing . my first miscarry was 6 month after i stoped the pill . my secound was after my mother bought me some bottles of ovulex i toke it for a month and a half .
i started my cycle and i was taking my temp to and noticed that it had not went down it was 98.0 toke a test and it was + but i miscarryed it . sometime i feel it will never happen for me . thanks


Barry Jacobs, M. D. - April 28

NONE of the herbal products has ever been shown to provide the benefits claimed, in any scientific evaluation. Since they are marketed as "dietary supplements", and not medications, they can make any claims they want, and do not have to prove efficacy or safety. We do know that a few of the herbal products interfere with some of the medications prescribed. I advise my patients not to use them. They are probably a waste of money, and I do not know that they will not create problems with the proven treatment protocols.
Good luck.



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