more recent info than CDC 2002 reports?
3 Replies
Lila - August 19

I have copied your answer to a post in Sept 2005 asking about current data on ART statistics by clinic:

"For a number of years, the government has required annual reporting of the data that the government wanted reported, for public consumption. Until this year, SART has had the government contract to do that, and could not obtain or publish other data. This tear, a commercial organization has won the contract. SART will be collecting data from most of its members, and transmit the data required by the government to the commercial entity for government publication. I d not know if SART data will be made public, or if it will be more contemporary, if the public does have access. For now, the public can only rely on obsolete data. even among ourselves, sometimes it is hard to know what is accurate."

1. Almost a year later is that still the case?
2. Is there no way to find information more recent than the CDC 2002 information?
3. Am I correct to assume that that 2002 info is of little use in evaluating a clinic today as so much has changes in the last 6 years?
4. Why does it take so long to get updated info from the CDC? I understand to report live birth rates etc they need some time but shouldn't we be able to see stats at least as recent as 2004 and early 2005?

Thanks for your insight


B. Jacobs, M. D. - August 20

The required reporting is live births per cycle start. It takes a while to, first fetermine the dat, then corroborate the data, and finally publish the data. The CDC repoting is the only sanctioned reporting, and it will always be at least 2 years old, unless the reporting requirements change. Yes, a lot changes in any program by the time the offical data are reported.


Lila - August 20

Thanks for the quick reply - and on a Sat night at that!
I understand that it takes some time to report live birts etc but I still do not undersatnd why the most recent is 2002 that would make it 4 years rather that 2. Are clinics ever allowed to show there more recent data to a patient within that clinic or do they have to wait till the CDC "approves" it?


B. Jacobs, M. D. - August 20

For the most part, more recent data would not include live birth rates. Our professional organization, the Soiety for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (SART) does not want misleading data presented. I do tell our patients our pregnancy rates, but I also carefully point out the difference between what I am telling them, compared to official reporting. There is a good reason for the set of ethical standards SART has set. We should abide by them.



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