1 Replies
brenda - November 25

We are ready to embark onto a third clinic, and I am preparing my questions. We did an ivf cycle when I was 42 and miscarried, it was an empty sac. I am not sure of my husband sperm limits for total motile and morphology. There were only 4 eggs and retrieved 4 eggs. i was 41.9 months old, and was on follistim and on long lupron suppression. bcp, long lurpon suppression, it might of been a lead follicle bc only one embryo was a 8 cell grade a, and there was a pregancy out of it but ended in miscarriage.

could a karotyping on me determined if the miscarriage ended bc of a genetic disorder, there was no sac seen on the ultrasound and I want to say my husband morphology was 5%, and good motiles

did a frozen donor egg cycle and husband morphology was 4% at the time, and we got pregnant but miscarried and the beta never rose above 585. also tested postive for embryo toxity and also elevated anti cardiolipins and heterogeneous for MTHR factor. I was on heparin on the fresh donor egg cycle and then the donor hyperstimulated and embryos severely fragmented.

would it be prudent on the 12 frozen donor egg embryos from 2 different donors to do pgd testing on them.
we have 4 frozen donor egg embryos from which a pregnancy was resulted and frozen on day 1.

the other 8 are frozen on day 3 and severely fragmented and frozen on day 3. The donor hyperstimulated and there were 33 follicles and 18 eggs were retrieved with a estradoil reading of 2400 total before retrieval. the treatment protocol was long suppression of lupron, and also there was bravelle used 2 amp and 3 of repronex on this fresh donor cycle.

we are trying to move forward as age is a huge issue, I am now going to be 47 years old and can not believe we have been at this for 4 years and this is all the further we are along in the process.


what determines what stimulation protocol to use?

how does the long suppression of lupron vs the other suppression impact the quality of eggs.

what would you recommend for us to proceed and questions to ask yet the 3rd clinic, who I happen to trust. but any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.


Barry Jacobs, M> D. - November 27

Only a third, to , maybe a half. of all eggs are capable of successful pregnancy. we have less information about sperm, as to their genetic competance. The male genes do not play a rple until 3 days after fertilization. not until we are able to detect, before embryo transfer, which embryos are completely normal will we be able to improve implantation rates and decrease our miscarriage rates.
Good luck.



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