1 Replies

I took Menpour 225 from day 5 to day 8 and i was asked to stop because E2 and LH ( CD 9 E2 1750 ( cdn scale and LH 33) were surging. Then LH went down to 5 on CD 11 Now on CD12 my LH is surging again (CD12 E2 =4200, LH 13. I have follicles R-1.7,1.5,1.2,1.2 L 1.2,1.2 1.1 1.1 . My clinic wants to me trigger tomorrow and IUI Saturday and Sunday. Is it worth? I am worried since LH surged once before eggs will not good quality. The follicles I have are not mature either.
Thank you for your help


B. Jacobs, M. D. - May 4

Generally, an LH surge during a stimulation causes the eggs to mature too soon, and they will not fertilize. Also, with an estradiol over 3000, you are at risk for a hyperstimulation syndrome.
Good luck.



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