Implantation Failure
1 Replies
smod - February 27

Hi Dr Smith,

I am 39 yrs old and have 5 donor embroys from a 24 yr old donor which made it to 5 days blast. I had ET on 2/14/07 with 2 8cell grade and 1 7cell grade. I took EV shots two times a week, and Progesterone shots (2cc) daily. My progesterone was 106 on the 18th and then dropped to 71 on the 25th which resulted in chemical pregnancy. I find it very hard to understand that none of the embroys were implanted in my uterus. I looked back and was pregnant with my own eggs in 2005 but miscarried at 12 weeks. So I thought with the donor eggs, I will have more luck but I was wrong. I have two leftovers embroys in the freezer. I believe they are both 8 cells. I'm nervous and scared. It's going to be my last time because I cannot afford to shell out more money for donor eggs. Should I request immunology testings first before going in for the 3rd time?

Any advice or inputs would be appreciated.

Thank you.


B. Jacobs, M. D. - February 27

If you also wish a reply from Dr. Smith, you might also submit your question to his bulletin board. The truth is, only 1/3 to 1/2 the eggs a woman makes are capable of a successsful pregnancy. One study implies it may only be 20%, even in young women. I am sorry your effort at IVF with donor did not succeed. The data I have seen published and the opinion of SART is that immunologic testing is not cost effective, unless there are defined problems that imply an immunologic problem.
Good luck.



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