3 Replies
SarahT - February 28


On Sunday I had a postive Beta at 528. Today almost 48 hours later I had a second Beta and it was at 814. So it did not double. I go in for a third Beta on Thursday but I'm so worried that somethings wrong. Should I worry?




Barry Jacobs, M. D. - February 28

As a general rule, the failure of the hCG to double in 48 hours is a very poor sign. If, on the other hand, you used medications to stimulate the production of more than 1 egg, it is possible you started out with more than 1 embryo, and 1 or more dropped out. If that were the case, I would expect a doubling in the second 48 hours.
Good luck.


SarahT - February 28


I had three mature follicles and all were released. I have read that some people take 3 days to double the initial beta test. You mentioned 48 hours, but is it possible for someone to take 72 hours to double?




Barry Jacobs, M. D. - March 1

All the data I seen published over the last 20+ years indicate that in a healthy pregnancy, the hCG doubles every 48 hours, until about 8 to 10 weeks.
Good luck.



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